Portland Golf Club – Military Charity Golf Tournament

Thank you to Portland Golf Club for supporting American heroes through this military charity golf event! 

Proceeds go to veterans support organizations that direct support towards critical areas of need including Suicide Prevention, Veteran Employment, PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury rehabilitation, Family and Caregiver support, Housing and Homelessness, Golf and Sports rehabilitation. A portion of the proceeds also supports Tee It Up for the Troops outreach program, REUNION. REUNION reunites battle buddies who were separated during combat, often due to battlefield injuries. REUNION brings these veterans together for a time of camaraderie and healing, helping veterans transition to fulfilling civilian lives. 

Members Only Event

Please check back for event information. 

Event date is tentative. 

Donations accepted hereSupport the military charity golf event. To support this Tee It Up for the Troops event, enter Portland as the name of the event you wish to benefit from your donation after donating.