National “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk

Tee it up for the Troops announces an opportunity to support the brave men and women in uniform who serve or have served this great nation.

The “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk provides an opportunity to recognize and honor your loved ones by making a $50 donation to Tee it up for the Troops. In return, a sign which will be placed in our designated “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk during our Annual Flagship Event at the Mendakota Country Club Tee it up for the Troops Event on September 9, 2011. Your designated honoree will also be included on the virtual “Honor, Respect and Remember” page of the National Tee it up for the Troops website.

You can participate in the “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk by sending an email to and including the following information:

  1. Name(s) of those being honored or remembered
  2. Branch(es) of service
  3. Years of service
  4. Conflict they served or are currently serving
  5. An electronic photo (jpg format is preferred)
  6. $50 Donation is appreciated per honoree**
  7. Your name, address and phone number

**You will be sent an invoice for donation payment.

If you would like to help us honor these deserving men and women who serve or have served, please share this with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers.

Thank you and Let Us Never Forget!