Tee It Up for the Troops is thankful to the membership and golf staff of the PebbleCreek Resort Community in Goodyear, AZ for hosting their first Tee It Up for the Troops event.
Director of Golf, Jason Whitehill had this to say about their event: “Our first ever TEE IT UP FOR THE TROOPS event at PebbleCreek Resort really turned out to be a great day. We had over 80 players this first year so it will be a great number to build on. We were also proud to have five veterans come out and join us as well. TEE IT UP FOR THE TROOPS Board Member Joe Baer also gave a very nice talk about the organization during the awards ceremony. In the end, our Club members thought it was a great way to honor and support our veterans on President’s Day.”
Board member Joe Baer said, “The first annual Pebble Creek Tee It Up for the Troops event was a well-attended and fun event. We even had an international flavor with several participants from Winnipeg and Saskatoon supporting our US Veterans. A great time was had by all! Thank you to all the fine folks at Pebble Creek for their support!”