Winner of Motorcycle Raffle Announced!

December 12, 2011

The winner of the 2012 Victory Motorcycle Raffle was drawn on Friday, December 9th at 10 a.m. at the National Office for Tee it up for the Troops.  The winner is Jon Vee from Fairbault, MN.  Jon is a Golf Pro at Faribault Country Club and was very excited to be picked as the winner. 

TIUFTT National Event Sponsor Gives Back

December 2, 2011

This past weekend a group of volunteers from TDS, a national TIUFTT event sponsor, and Tee it up for the Troops went shopping for items for care packages.  They put together special Ziploc baggies for soldiers plus and additional box or two for each location that contained an assortment of goodies such as games, magazines,

Founding Fathers Lager to Benefit Military Families

November 17, 2011

Founding Fathers Beer, a new American lager that is both owned and brewed in the United States, will be donating half of its profits to the families of military troops.  In Minnesota, the profits will be administered through non-profit organizations and Tee it up for the Troops was one of the two organizations selected. Founding

Give to the Max Day

November 16, 2011

The Great Minnesota “GIVE” Together Together, we have the power to help our veterans  as they face the challenges of returning home to “new normals” following their injuries. Today, is Give to the Max Day and your donation to Tee it up for the Troops will offer a better life for our veterans and their

TIUFTT Nominated for the Joining Forces Community Challenge.

October 26, 2011

In April 2011, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden launched Joining Forces, a national initiative to support and honor America’s service members and their families. The initiative aims to educate, challenge, and spark action from all sectors of our society — citizens, communities, schools, non-profits, faith-based institutions, philanthropic organizations, and government — to

1st Annual Tee it up for the Troops Reunion Event

October 7, 2011

You are invited to join us for the First Annual Tee it up for the Troops Reunion Event on January 4-8 in Orlando, Florida. This event is the perfect place to start an annual “reunion” with old friends, relatives, classmates or comrades who you haven’t seen in awhile. You will enjoy 4 days and 4

TIUFTT Creates Connections and Builds Community

September 14, 2011

Last week I had the pleasure and honor to attend the Opening Ceremony for the 7th Annual Tee it up for the Troops National Day of Golf.  As in past years, I was deeply moved by the patriotic display of remembrance and respect for the service of our military men and women.  As I took

Victory Motorcycle Raffle

September 9, 2011

Tee it up for the Troops and Polaris Industries have partnered to present you the opportunity to win the pictured 2012 Victory Motorcycle. If you are interested in learning how you can purchase a $20 raffle ticket you can contact our national office via email at or by phone at 952-646-2490.  Please note that

National “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk

August 5, 2011

Tee it up for the Troops announces an opportunity to support the brave men and women in uniform who serve or have served this great nation. The “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk provides an opportunity to recognize and honor your loved ones by making a $50 donation to Tee it up for the Troops. In