Thank you Pinnacle Peak Country Club Members for your support by hosting the 7th Annual Tee it Up for the Troops Golf Tournament on April 12th. It was an honor to have you host this event once again at PPCC!

Pinnacle Peak Country Club Members displayed unwavering support for this event as 130 golfers took to the links to raise money for those who have been wounded in battle and to show their appreciation for the troops. Each foursome was accompanied by a wounded patriot or active duty military service member. The event resulted in a donation in the amount of over $60,000. Pinnacle Peak Country Club has donated over $376,000 to Tee it up for the Troops over the past 7 years.

In addition, many paused to honor and remember the amazing life of SGT First Class Brian Mancini on Hole #1 of this event. Founder of Honor House, SGT Mancini left us way to soon and will always be remembered as the true American Hero he was. Rest In Peace Soldier.

This tournament provided all attendees the opportunity to personally show their gratitude and appreciation for the bravery and sacrifice of our true American heroes, while enjoying a great time with family, friends, wounded patriots and active duty military members.