TIUFTT Creates Connections and Builds Community

Last week I had the pleasure and honor to attend the Opening Ceremony for the 7th Annual Tee it up for the Troops National Day of Golf.  As in past years, I was deeply moved by the patriotic display of remembrance and respect for the service of our military men and women.  As I took time to mingle with those in attendance I asked myself how many people have taken time out of their busy schedule to attend an event like this and visit with someone who has served in the military?

WWII Veterans during the Opening Ceremony at the 7th Annual Tee it up for the Troops National Day of Golf

This event provides an opportunity to do just that.  It is an event that honors the service of all military personnel across all branches and conflicts that our military has been involved in.  One of the most memorable moments for me was to see two rows of WWII veterans with front row seats to the Opening Ceremony.  Afterwards, I took the time to thank some of these veterans for their service and in exchange I heard a first hand account of one veteran’s experiences during the Invasion of Normandy.  He was even planning a trip to Normandy next June to take the ashes of a fellow soldier to the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. I realized after talking with this WWII veteran that his story being told in his own words had more of an impact on me than any history class or book could have demonstrated.

Two of the golfers at the 7th Annual Tee it up for the Troops National Day of Golf share a moment of success on the golf course.

During the ceremony I noted that many of the veterans had been given yellow ribbons to wear, which helped me identify those who had answered the call to duty.  The impact behind the significance of the ribbons was made evident as I watched several veterans interact with each other.  I saw many of the veterans reach out to each other in greeting as one another passed by.  They would share a brief bit of their military experience with the other and all the while they would have a smile on their face or a tear in their eye as they continued to hold onto the arm or the shoulder of the individual they were talking to.  It was reminiscent of long lost brothers being reunited after spending years apart.

Wreath Laying Ceremony by Gold Star Families during the 7th Annual Tee it up for the Troops National Day of Golf.

As the ceremony drew to a close and I looked across the crowd of people gathered there, I realized how many more stories I had yet to hear.  Besides the veterans I had already met, there were also Gold Star Families (families that have lost a loved one in military service), Wounded Warriors (severely wounded or injured soldiers), Tribute to the Troops members (organization dedicated to honoring our fallen heroes) and many others who had all united that day to honor, respect and remember the sacrifices of all veterans and their families.  Thank you to Tee it up for the Troops for hosting events like this and providing me the opportunity to connect with those who have served to protect this great nation.  I have a greater sense of connection and community with our “protectors of the turf” and their families, and I am grateful.

Tribute to the Troops members pictured with a Wounded Warrior during the 7th Annual Tee it up for the Troops National Day of Golf.



Victory Motorcycle Raffle

Victory-Motorycycles-300x224Tee it up for the Troops and Polaris Industries have partnered to present you the opportunity to win the pictured 2012 Victory Motorcycle.

If you are interested in learning how you can purchase a $20 raffle ticket you can contact our national office via email at info@teeitupforthetroops.org or by phone at 952-646-2490.  Please note that a purchase of a raffle ticket does not constitute a tax-deductible contribution to Tee it up for the Troops.  The winning ticket will be drawn on December 9, 2011 and the proceeds from the raffle ticket sales will benefit the men and women of the US Armed Forces and their families.


National “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk

Tee it up for the Troops announces an opportunity to support the brave men and women in uniform who serve or have served this great nation.

The “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk provides an opportunity to recognize and honor your loved ones by making a $50 donation to Tee it up for the Troops. In return, a sign which will be placed in our designated “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk during our Annual Flagship Event at the Mendakota Country Club Tee it up for the Troops Event on September 9, 2011. Your designated honoree will also be included on the virtual “Honor, Respect and Remember” page of the National Tee it up for the Troops website.

You can participate in the “Honor, Respect and Remember” Walk by sending an email to info@teeitupforthetroops.org and including the following information:

  1. Name(s) of those being honored or remembered
  2. Branch(es) of service
  3. Years of service
  4. Conflict they served or are currently serving
  5. An electronic photo (jpg format is preferred)
  6. $50 Donation is appreciated per honoree**
  7. Your name, address and phone number

**You will be sent an invoice for donation payment.

If you would like to help us honor these deserving men and women who serve or have served, please share this with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers.

Thank you and Let Us Never Forget!

Donations Collected at Saints Games

The Care Connections for Heroes campaign started on May 24th as part of TDS Tuesday at Midway Stadium during the St. Paul Saints home game. All season long, monetary donations will be collected at Saints games during every TDS Tuesday at Midway Stadium. The campaign culminates at the Tee it up for the Troops annual golf event on September 9th.

Every Tuesday when the Saints play a home game, we’ll be on hand collecting donations to help local Veterans in need, says Jason Engler, market manager for TDS Telecommunications Corp. We hope Saints fans will support our efforts to help our heroes. Together, we can truly make a difference.

In addition to collecting donations at Saints games, organizers are hosting an online auction. The auction offers hotel and restaurant certificates for personal use; they can also be donated to a veteran and his or her family. All auction proceeds will support Care Connections for Heroes.

For more information, access to the auction or to support Care Connections for Heroes, visit www.tdsbusiness.com/minnesota and click on the Care Connections for Heroes section of the web page.

Tee it up for the Troops Partners with GolfWorm.com


golf wormGiving Back, One Deal at a Time

There are few things more relaxing than playing a great round of golf and even fewer more rewarding than knowing you are giving back with every swing.  GolfWorm and Tee it up for the Troops are proud to announce an exclusive partnership program that allows members the opportunity to sign up for great deals through www.golfworm.com which will donate a generous portion of the proceeds to Tee it up for the Troops.

50% off Long Island National Golf Club

Continue reading “Tee it up for the Troops Partners with GolfWorm.com”

The Gratitude Campaign

Have you ever seen one of our military walking past you and wanted to convey to them your thanks, but weren’t sure how or it felt awkward?

Recently, a gentleman from Seattle created a gesture which could be used and has started a movement to get the word out.

Please everybody take just a moment to watch….. The Gratitude Campaign video on the website listed below; …then share it with your friends; …and then START USING THE SIGN.

Please visit www.thegratitudecampaign.org to learn more.



TIUFTT Sponsor receives “Star of the North” Congressional Award

Gaby Accad (left) and Jennifer Gouette (right) received "Star of the North" Congressional Awards from Congressman John Kline (center)
Gaby Accad (left) and Jennifer Gouette (right) received “Star of the North” Congressional Awards from Congressman John Kline (center)

Gabby Accad (Versatile Vehicles, a loyal sponsor of Tee it up for the Troops) and Jennifer Gouette (King Solutions, a logistic tranporting business) were honored by John Kline as recipients of the Star of the North Congressional Award.  They received the reward in recognition for their part in getting a golf cart to Afghanistan for our troops.

The Star of the North Congressional Award was designed to publicly recognize the extraordinary acts of service, the random acts of kindness of Minnesotans in the 2nd District to our community and our world.

“We are blessed in Minnesota to be surrounded by so many selfless individuals who are willing to step up to address the needs they see in our communities and beyond,” Congressman John Kline said. “These ‘Stars of the North’ have given far more than they have received — volunteering, offering a helping hand, reaching out to a neighbor to ask, ‘what can I do for you?’ “